
Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Potager Update

Well, June has been a bit of a schizo month weather wise. Really hot and then pouring rain. The humidity has been horrible, but the plants have been loving it and it has made for some beautiful skies. I can't believe how much the garden has grown in the last two weeks. I am always amazed to go out and find that a squash has literally doubled in size overnight.

Produce is coming in steadily. We have been eating kale and chard for the last two weeks, as well as radishes, peas and salads.

Now we are seeing the first tomatoes on the vines and we harvested the first zucchini yesterday.

The squash and everything else is doing so well!!! We will have beans in a week or so, the broccoli is starting to come in, and the beets are already big enough to eat! The pumpkins and squash are big and strong and producing fruit. It is going to be a bumper year for squash!

All the hard work is paying off and we haven't lost too any plants to bugs and pests. One notable exception being the tomato plants we lost to gophers (we think). Something ate the roots and the plants literally shrivelled and died. So pissed off. We lost Mr Stripey yesterday and he is our third casualty. I am hoping he will be the last. If we lose any now it will be far too late to plant more.

Going out and pottering away in the garden is always a very therapeutic process. These plants are my little children and I am always amazed at how fast and how big they have grown. To think they all started as a tiny little seed, it is truly a wonder. I can't help but exclaim "my how you have grown, I knew you when you were yeah high!" I sound like one of my mum's friends when we were little... Now I know how they feel!!!

1 comment:

  1. You two rock!!! These photos gave me goosebumps!!!
